Brad Mays - Gallery

"This is no industry showcase unless, of course, these people are completely out of their minds."
Steven Leigh Morris on Brad Mays' acclaimed and controversial 1997 production of Euripides' The Bacchae which was nominated for three LA Weekly Theatre Awards including Best Director.

Photo and Video Gallery for Brad Mays' 1997 Los Angeles Stage Production

produced by
Lorenda Starfelt
directed by
Brad Mays
movement scoring by
Kim A. Weild
original musical score by
Peter Girard

Richard Werner * Lynn Odell * TJ Ryan

Phillip C. Curry * Critt Davis * Robert Brewer

Michael Franklin * Darrin O'Connor * Todd Erickson

as the Holy Bacchae:
Deborah Ayers * Amy Arnelle * Dorie Barton * Tina Van Berckelaer * Lauren Bergen * Gwen Brownson * Rebecca Dashow
Bernadette Duffy * Leanne Fonteyn * Cristin Hill * Carmel Morgan * Kennon Raines * Ramona Reeves * Andrea Ruth
T.C. Smith * Lorenda Starfelt * Tracey Telshaw * Michelle Walden * Catherine Yurkovich

Photographs and Full Uncensored Video
 (Click Photo Thumbnail for larger view; Scroll Down For Video)

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